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SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) is the abbreviation of the South African Bureau of Standards. Is South Africa's mandatory certification, as long as the controlled product is exported to South Africa must show the SABS certificate. South Africa Bureau of Standards is South Africa is a neutral third-party certification body responsible for system certification and product certification in South Africa. In addition to the responsibility for formulating standards, SABS also represents mandatory regulatory standards on behalf of the state, grants the right to use the logos for products that meet the specifications, and is also responsible for issuing certificates to companies that meet ISO09001 and ISO9002, and represents the country and some major buyers. Responsible for pre-shipment inspections and testing, issued a certificate of conformity. SABS certification is widely used in chemical products, biological products, textile products and clothing, machinery products, safety equipment, electrical products, civil and construction and automotive products and other fields. In recent years, SABS certification has become an important weight for the South African government to control the import of products.


SABS certification is divided into two major categories of product certification and system certification, and SABS product certification mainly includes the following eight categories: chemical products, biological products, textile products and clothing, mechanical products, safety equipment (NTEK), electrical products, civil and construction and Automotive products. Among them, the construction materials and products involved are: stone products, concrete products, roof materials, cement, lime, cement mixture, natural building stones, safety glass, steel structures, wood and wood products, bricks, tiles, paints, Paint, sealant.


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